Sunday, September 30, 2007


watch the vid to the end. it's phenomenal.

Michael Wan Chang Chin blogged at 10:47 PM

You lead me... paths of righteousness...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Zig Ziglar Power Points

1. No individual can rise above the pictures that have been painted in his mind.

2. Change where you are by changing what goes into your mind.

3. If you do the things you ought to do when you ought to do them, the day will come when you can do the things you want to do when you want to do them.

4. Regardless of your past, tomorrow is a clean slate.

5. You can have everything you want in life if you help enough people get what they want.

6. You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with Seeds of Greatness.

7. The greatest enemy of excellence is good.

8. When you are tough on yourself, life is easier on you.

9. If you don't like the output, then change the input.

My favourite one is Point 3.
What's yours?


slegna blogged at 6:59 PM

You lead me... paths of righteousness...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


This post is dedicated to Damien. *sniggers*

slegna blogged at 4:42 AM

Never alone

Partnerships, Relationships, Marriage, Families, Gangs, Communities.
We are all connected.

Connecting with each other is so important.
Nothing is ever accomplished when you choose to stand alone in this world that is inter-connected.
Isolation, many times, brings forth death.

The people that we are too busy to care for, our families that require too much effort.
The friends that we put aside for a season, our God that requires too much commitment.

A fatal trap to fall into.
- being too busy with ourselves.

When the relationship/connection dies. You spend triple the effort to bring it to life again.

as much as we can say 'I'm an introvert.'
We must constantly take care of every connection that God placed in our lives.

Let's build up lives.
So we can truly live.

slegna blogged at 3:44 AM

You lead me... paths of righteousness...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Martina McBride - God's Will

I met God's Will on a Halloween night
He was dressed as a bag of leaves
It hid the braces on his legs at first

His smile was as bright as the August sun
When he looked at me
As he struggled down the driveway, it almost
Made me hurt

Will don't walk too good
Will don't talk too good
He won't do the things that the other kids do,
In our neighborhood

I've been searchin', wonderin', thinkin'
Lost and lookin' all my life
I've been wounded, jaded, loved and hated
I've wrestled wrong and right
He was a boy without a father
And his mother's miracle
I've been readin', writin', prayin', fightin'
I guess I would be still
Yeah, that was until
I knew God's Will

Will's mom had to work two jobs
We'd watch him when she had to work late
And we'd all laugh like I hadn't laughed
Since I don't know when

Hey Jude was his favorite song
At dinner he'd ask to pray
And then he'd pray for everybody in the world but him


Before they moved to California
His mother said, they didn't think he'd live
And she said each day that I have him, well it's just
another gift
And I never got to tell her, that the boy
Showed me the truth
In crayon red, on notebook paper, he'd written
Me and God love you

I've been searchin', prayin', wounded, jaded
I guess I would be still
Yeah that was until...
I met God's Will on a Halloween night
He was dressed as a bag of leaves

Kenneth blogged at 2:00 PM

You lead me... paths of righteousness...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Chasing Donkeys

"...while we are out chasing donkeys, God is setting things up for you to be at a certain place and a certain time where is it called the intersection of life. The place of opportunity where you discover your purpose..." Rev. Dr. A.R. Bernard

That is so true but yet so overlooked. After hearing what Dr. Bernard spoke at the recent Business Breakthrough Dinner (via audio sermon), it has really made me ponder and think.
What is the purpose of struggling with our life? Having a spirit of excellence and striving for greatness? To be honest, there are times even the strong will feel like just giving up. All stretched and seeing no end to this is never ending struggle.

Monday to Friday work. . . then the weekend comes. . . but before anything can be done, it is Monday. . . again. Sounds familiar?

But then, have I overlooked the bigger picture? This brings me to relate to the example shared by Dr. Bernard regarding Saul chasing donkeys (1 Sam 9 & 10). Like Saul, I was chasing my donkeys, career and studies, making a difference in the marketplace and in my friends and family. Never seems to end, problem upon problem. But like Saul we do not realise that God was conspiracy and contemplating something to do us good.

Why all the trouble? Trying to balance and apply Godly principles and spiritual disciplines? Chasing those donkeys? The reason is so simple. To develop character. When this happens, we will be prepared for that opportunity when our life intersects and achieves our destiny. It is through our daily issues and problems, where we do not have to ‘over-spiritualise' such events.

Another basic principle I have learnt to appreciate that even when we might be down and troubled, He is still there and that He has a plan for us. But that plan can only come to pass if we obey. Thus, we just have to chase those donkeys (develop our character) till we receive our purpose and obey. Simplistic yet profound in concept.

This has really motived me to never give up the good fight of faith. Think about it, even at our darkest, God is there just waiting for the moment to change it all. It just takes one moment, one inspiration to make all the difference. But if we never try and just leave it, we will never know and waste it all away.

"... The reality is that people are successful because they believe they have faith, they have passion, they have a sense of vision. But most importantly for us is that we believe that there is a conspiracy out there to do us good..." Rev. Dr. AR Bernard

PS: As usual, If anyone requires to “borrow” the audio sermon, I have converted it to mp3 format. Just drop me a message before Thursday.

Never late, Never early, Just on time...


iPhone Junkie blogged at 9:32 PM

You lead me... paths of righteousness...

Children of God

A place where brothers and sisters in Christ are able to share their walk with one another and through that not only edify one another but also glorifying God at the end of the day.






Verse of the day

The Past

~July 2007~
~August 2007~
~September 2007~
~October 2007~
~November 2007~
~December 2007~
~January 2008~
~February 2008~
~March 2008~
~May 2008~
~June 2008~
~July 2008~
~August 2008~
~September 2008~
~October 2008~
~July 2009~
~August 2010~

I made this MySpace Music Player at



Fonts (Dobkin)
Winding Path
Bg Road

Thanks to all the blogs i referred to(countless) for html code help :) (esp.cyn'and sixseven)

Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities