Friday, May 30, 2008
Come out from among them and be separate...
2 Cor 8:17
Hey guys!
I was just meditating on the Word today, and came across this verse. I just felt very compelled to share it.
I don't know about you guys, but this verse really came at the right time for me.
You know, when Sherin asked us to share with one another about our goals, our desires and dreams during cell group, I found myself blurting out, without much thought, about my career path, my purpose in life, my studies... etc. you know, that sort of stuff.
On reading this verse, you know, it really struck me. I thought to myself: yes, I know God wants to bless me with a good career, His thoughts for me are for good and not evil, I know God wants to bless me financially, with lots of money, I know God desires that I get good grades.
But above and beyond that, there must be more to life than just that. There must be more to life than just a blind pursuit of money.
I started asking myself: what does it mean to be a Christian? What does it mean to live a life that is pleasing to God, and to do His will, instead of ours?
In short, it is really boils down to this: how can I come out from among the rest, and be separate?
I think that as we approach the 21-day prayer season, let's not be like the rest.
Let's be separate, set ourselves apart, and really take this seriously.
And the most beautiful thing, comes from the preceeding verse:
I will dwell in them.
And walk among them.
I will be their God.
And they shall be My people.
Verse 16.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
I used to think that my mood flows according to my level of sales. Higher sales, better mood. But these days, something changed.
This month’s sales figure is at my all time ‘high’ but
I feel different now.
I can feel His Love overflowing in my heart EVERYDAY.
I can feel the BoUnCe in the steps I take.
The joy of the Lord fills me every where I go, especially at work
I don’t pull a glum, dead panned face while working hard anymore.
And I find myself smiling at my colleagues, even those who I don’t particularly like.
Then suddenly, I am nicked, “The Frees-Spirited One.” -_-”
I think I have found back my First Love. =)
Hope everyone of you will experience His overflowing Joy ~ Psalm 5:11
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